Friday, 24 October 2014

Bridges of interest

There are 7 bridges that cross the main Xiang river in the central area of Changsha, and having bought a bicycle, I was keen to investigate a few. These are the ones of most potential:

Fuyuan Road bridge

This was completed in 2012 and features "X-type" arches which lift the structure. Total length is 3.5km and span 2.3km. It's 31.5 metres wide and perhaps around the same from arch apex to road. The builders have kindly put steps and rails on the arches within reaching distance for later inspection and maintenance.

Liked this stark view across to the flats beyond.

Update - November 2014

Managed to get hold of some snaps and YouTube video from the top:

YouTube video upload:

Sanchaji Bridge (2nd Ring Road (North) bridge)

Suspension type. The cables come to a dead end at the top.

Access to the towers is gained at road level. At the top there are rungs leading up the top 'turrets'.

 Heishipu Bridge (Changsha Ring Expressway (South))

Another red rounded-arch style bridge, this one is south of central Changsha and carries motorway traffic.

The pedestrian bit doesn't seem to be in use - the steps leading to it are hidden away in some wasteland at the entrance to a cement works. At time of visit military planes were doing manoeuvres overhead.

Thanks for reading! 

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